trans*herbalism zine
Around the natureculture_love_laboratory of Metabolic Massia Month i started my artistic research for ‘the School of Livelihoods’ with a tRaNs*HerBaLisM gathering by and for trans* bodyminds. We immersed in foraging, reading circles, balm & tincture making and embodied explorations.
tRaNs*HerBaLisM connects local and international lineages of self-organized healthcare and trans* carewebs. It offers formats of tender and careful anchoring for queer bodyminds and those not sure where their trans* journey is taking them.
tRaNs*HerBaLisM centers practices that weave ways of knowing, sensing & listening between trans* bodyminds, phytophriends and our magical endocrine systems. They tab into hormonal flows of the cosmic ecosystem and spin concepts of trans*plantimalities, herbalism, anarchy, abolition, disability justice and neuroqueerness into emergent strategies.
Through movement and touch in the surroundings we explored the intentional support of comfort & safety hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin. These tactile & haptic methods are informed by consent and boundary love. my practice is rooted in creating accessible collaborative group environments and braver space approaches. In the frame of ‘the School of Livelihoods’ i developed methods for inhabiting Massia as a queer collective bodymindsoil.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.